Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Plant Trees?


When you read about those who lost their lives and were injured, you get a true sense of the beloved Tuscon community and their commitment to come together - and truly know one another. We believe the greater Tucson community has set an exceptional example for all of us to follow through their unselfish acts of heroism, love, devotion, and compassion to their community, neighbors and Congresswoman. We hope this project will somehow demonstrate the love and appreciation we have for them and honor their acts of community participation.

We witnessed them carry out the profound words of 50 years ago "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

We thank them all.

We will never forget those who died on January 8, 2011 and those who were injured. The "Healing Trees" project will be a living memorial for those directly effected by the tragedy and their loved ones, and a commitment by all of us who choose to participate to be instruments of peace in our communities.

We are responding to the call for positive social change, for living in love and kindness. We encourage people to make a commitment to be instruments of peace in their community by planting a tree and in 11 months, return to the trees that were planted and take a few moments to reflect on all the ways they have acted as instruments of peace, compassion and understanding in their local communities.

More information regarding the planting and care of trees is available at the Arizona Community Tree Council.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Help Plant A Tree

We honor those who have died and those that have been injured - we ask you to join with us in planting a tree and making a commitment to continue the legacy of being an instrument of peace, understanding and forgiveness the individuals and members of the Tucson, AZ community taught us through their courageous behavior, kind gestures and compassionate actions.

Go here to make your donation

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ways to Participate

There are 3 primary ways to participate in the Healing Trees Program

1. Make a contribution to support specific tree plantings through the general fund.

Your financial contributions will support the purchase, planting, ongoing support and maintenance of trees in public spaces - some of the areas include:Healing Trees

~ A total of nineteen (19) trees representing the six who died and 13 injured on January 8, 2011 in Tucson, Arizona we be planted on the grounds of the Senate Building at the Arizona State Capitol

~ The Cultural Arts Coalition will plant three trees, one at Shemmer Art Center and a tree at Orangewood 1 & 2 educational facilities

~ Urban Farm has committed to planting in the Phoenix community

~ The City of Phoenix will plant a tree outside of the Calvin Goode Building located at Cesar Chavez Plaza across from Phoenix City Hall

~ World Care will be a tree at its headquarters in Tucson, Arizona

*The trees will be planted in public places - like schools, parks and public property.

Many more opportunities are developing every day.

You can make an immediate contribution online here.

2. Partner with a local organization, school, or business and plant a tree(s) or encourage your organization to support a tree(s) planting at a local school or public park.

Healing TreesOrganizations are taking the initiative to plant trees in their communities throughout Arizona — throughout the country — throughout the world - as an act of unity and compassion.

~ Gardens for Humanity in Sedona, Arizona is committed to planting five fruit trees at local elementary schools in the Verde Valley, they will be working with their local resources to secure the trees, services and volunteers! For more information contact Richard at Gardens for Humanity - president@gardensforhumanity.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

As more information becomes available about the organizations participating we will list the details!

3. Volunteer your time and / or resources to support the Healing Trees program!

Owners of wholesale nursery's, landscape companies, non-profits, volunteers, webmasters, graphic designers, public relations professionals have all step forward to lend a hand to make this humanitarian program possible.

Do you have a resource that you'd like to contribute and become a part of an amazing humanitarian effort? If so, send us an email at info@healingtrees.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

A "Healing Trees" bank account has been established at National Bank of Arizona for the Healing Trees humanitarian program. Your contribution helps pay for individual trees, their plantings and maintenance. Your investment provides for collecting stories, identifying ongoing planting activities and providing additional opportunities for community participation. The funds donated to the general account are being managed by the Arizona Community Tree Council, a 501(c)(3) organization with more than 20 years of experience dedicated to care and planting of trees and promoting the education and exchange of information about trees and the essential role they play in the well being of all Arizona communities.

Let us know how you'd like to participate and what your ideas are so we can grow and thrive. Send an email to info@healingtrees.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Healing Trees - Jan. 20, 2011

As we launch this project on the 50th anniversary of John Kennedy's inaugural address, many of us who are 50ish and are working on the Healing Trees project remember JFK's call to action to “Ask what you can do for your country.” Many of us were inspired by the Kennedys to participate in government. When Congresswoman "Gabby" Giffords was shot and six people died and 12 others were injured, we knew we had to stand up for something.

We want to honor those who lost their lives, those who were injured and their loved ones by planting trees as living memorials throughout Arizona and beyond. Let us all take a stand to honor those who gathered for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s "Congress on Your Corner" on Saturday, January 8, 2011. Let us provide living trees that will stand tall and proud in Arizona for many, many years to come.

The FUSION Foundation and the Arizona Community Tree Council (ACTC) have joined resources to plant trees throughout our communities beginning on February  14th, which is Arizona's 99th birthday, as an ongoing act of love and support to work together as instruments of peace, compassion and healing in our communities.

Healing Trees will be ongoing throughout the year and will function as the ACTC commemorative tree planting program


The FUSION Foundation brings together individuals and organizations to make positive community change with local action with a global vision. We strive to educate and empower organizations, individuals and communities about one another. We provide programs that awaken new perspectives and experiences that promote true community involvement through the development, application and principles of synergistic transformation and the basic framework of the 12-around-1 operating system.

The Arizona Community Tree Council, Inc. (ACTC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the care and planting of trees, and promotes the education and exchange of information about trees and the essential role they play in the well being of all Arizona communities. The Council is composed of representatives from individual Arizona counties, tribal communities, government agencies, professional organizations and other individuals who have a statewide interest in the Council’s mission.


Healing Trees: We are coordinating a collective tree planting to create tangible, visible acts of support that offer a generational, transformative healing process.